Global and Borderless Ministry
Life Changing Factory International Ministries has a mandate for the transformation of spiritually ‘dead stones,’ symbolizing the building units of God’s kingdom – the individual believer. The ministry aims to bring about this transformation one brick at a time. Its focus is not on constructing a physical building but on building God’s kingdom beyond geographical locations, following the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Demonstration of the combined power of God’s Word and God’s Spirit.
Global and Interdenominational.

Proclamation of God’s Word
By strategic partnership with pastors and leaders over agreed periods of time, to build by the compounded ministry gifts to produce a lasting change in believers towards their relationship and surrender to Jesus – for the GLORY OF GOD!

Demonstration of the Holy Spirit
Upon establishing contact with a strategic man of the city, through prayer ministry activities are planned to fit the socio-economic and geo-political settings. The theme of ministry is prophetic and apostolic, to usher God’s presence and God’s will to build individual lives and the local church. These include:
- Leadership Training for pastors : to equip God’s servants
- Special Meetings: to build with pastors for their local churches (at church and homes) with the emphasis of bringing prophetic word with the outworking of ministry gifts of healing and deliverance
- Special Inter-Church Meetings that combines churches of a particular city to usher the kingdom and the rule of God in the city
As the objective is to build the body of Christ, this ministry will be self-funded.

Contact us if your spirit resonates with the vision of this ministry and you are looking for ways to add value to building God’s kingdom.