- Fill in the Registration Form by clicking the image:

2. Fill out the Google Form.
3. The Program Administrator will contact you.

Guidelines To Watch Video with Captions
Welcome Message
This program is unique and can be likened to a Short Bible Study Course.
Rev. George Varughese its Program Director, teaches and develops this program under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This program is designed for Christians who desire to study God’s Word, the Bible, to guide them in their walk as a Christian (Read Psalms 119:105).
One of its focuses is to help believers pause and hear God’s voice. It is a tool to guide believers to hear the voice of their Shepherd (Read John 10:27).
This program is based on important topics and themes that are integral to the life of a believer.
- Integrated program
This program is an integrated study program based on inspiring video messages of Rev. Varughese, supplemented with study notes and questions to help believers apply timeless principles of God’s Word in their daily lives. Believers grapple with many questions in their pilgrimage as a believer, and this program attempts to answer these questions.
- Interactive program
The main highlight of this program is the coaching aspect, where participants will be able to interact directly with the Program Director.
How does this program differ from conventional programs?
a. A conventional Bible Study in church settings uses a one-to-many approach, classroom setting, with little opportunity for church members to interact with the Bible teachers.
b. With this method, in-depth discussion in a classroom setting is nearly impossible.
c. This traditional model does not allow for critical thinking and application of the timeless principles written in God’s Word.
d. Hence, any serious student of the Bible lacks interaction with the Bible teachers to discuss important matters one-to-one. This results in frustration, hindering a serious student’s acquisition of in-depth understanding from their point of view.
Key features of this program:
1. There is no fee to participate in this program
Christians generally prefer not to pay to attend Bible Studies or courses to enhance their knowledge in spiritual matters. However, good Bible Study programs are often expensive and unaffordable. Moreover, they are confined to their attendance at a physical location for study.
While there is no fee to participate in this program, participants are encouraged to contribute free-will offerings during their study.
2. Program material
As the objectives of this program are to stimulate critical thinking and enhance spiritual awareness of its participants, this program comes with Study Notes and Questions to help participants engage in their study.
3. Coaching
The highlight of this program is the ability of participants to interact directly with the Program Director.
- Question-and-Answer Session
How this works is that after lessons are assigned, participants will schedule an online session, normally within 1 hour. Based on participants’ input to questions from each lesson, the Program Director. will engage in a Question-and-Answer Session.
- Prophetic Counseling and Prayer
Subject to the willingness of the participants, if led by the Holy Spirit, the Program Director, will then provide prophetic insight to the participants and conclude each session with prayer.
4. Regular Prayer
It is the commitment of the Program Director, to pray regularly for all participants.
5. Pastoral Counselling
Participants of this program will be given the opportunity to request a counseling session with the Program Director.
How this works is that after counseling is requested, the Program Director will schedule an online session, normally within 1 hour, in prayer.
6. Group Prayer
As part of the program, regular group prayer sessions will be organized via online platforms, usually via Zoom, for 1 hour, and participants will be encouraged to attend and invite their family and friends to join.
7. Duration of Program
This program will be offered throughout the year 2024. The program will be divided into the following levels each level for a period of 3 months or 10 lessons.
- Beginner’s Level
- Intermediate Level
- Advanced Level
8. Duration of Lessons
Lessons will be given every Wednesdays, and participants will be expected to complete Study Questions by the following Tuesdays.
While the typical rhythm of the program is one week, students with special needs will be allowed more time if necessary. They may request an extension from the Program Director for such flexibilities on a case-by-case basis.
9. Privacy
Privacy means that all matters discussed in coaching and counseling sessions will remain confidential. However, all matters revealed will be used for prayer.
Contact us if your spirit resonates with the vision of this ministry and you are looking for ways to add value to building God’s kingdom.
To contribute free-will offerings